Nov 10, 2008

Favorites continued....

There is nothing like a Mesa Verde sunset. 

....Max catches hummingbirds by hand. We saute' them in butter with a bit of white wine and shallots. They come with a built in toothpick, make delightful appetizers and are always a conversation starter. Seriously though, I love it that Max would even think to handle a hummingbird...what confidence. He lost an eye, but....

This is a lousy photo, but wild turkeys in the front yard are a definite favorite. (and probably better eating than the hummingbirds) It's alarming to be home alone and glance out and see them. They are very black and not very pretty and quite large. If we were starving they'd be easy prey...just pull back that tire swing and aim...

a note from the hummingbirds or turkeys were harmed in the making of this post.

1 comment:

Plautia said...

You seriously had me going there for a moment... The sauteed taste of hummingbirds rolled across my tongue before I was utterly revolted. lol And thanks for posting the beautiful image of the MV sunset. We miss too many of those with the monstrosity of the pink apartments next door. *Sigh*