Oct 11, 2010

The Holiday Weekend in Review

First things first. We changed the dog's name. We took him to be washed and shaved and when we picked him up he was no longer a Sioux. He is now Limas. He is named for the pro football player Limas Sweed. Don't ask.

We had a holiday on Friday and went hiking with our Columbine friends. It was our third annual Spud Lake hike and it was beautiful. The leaves are still breath taking and the weather was perfect.

Saturday and Sunday were filled with cousins and neighbors and lots of cleaning, cooking and laundry. It's amazing how much seven children can eat. We topped it off with a late night Dairy Queen run.

On Monday we headed back up into the mountains...Gibbs Peak...for more leaf viewing and some boulder rolling.

Did you know that you can use an Aspen tree for sunscreen? It's true. Rub your hands on the bark and then apply where ever needed. You look ashy and pale, but that's OK. My kids love it.

Happy Fall, all.

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