Apr 24, 2008

Drum roll please....

They're here. It's early, but they're here. I stopped by the farmer's market yesterday afternoon for something fresh and green to go with dinner and there they were. Sitting in those darling baskets that I always wish I could take home. Looking proper and deep red and REAL. I'm speaking of tomatoes, of course. It really is too early for a tomato, in my book, so I questioned the girl behind the counter. Apparently she'd been hearing the same question all day.

"They's the first batch out of Ruskin (FL) and they's pretty good."

So no, they're not organic or heirloom or even local, but she was right, they's pretty good. I peeled and sliced several, because that's how my grandmother did it, added some sea salt and fresh pepper, and we ate a large plate of them with dinner. The kids love them and they seem to make everything else taste a little perkier. And today they made a darn good tomato sandwich.

It feels good to know that my future is filled with fresh tomatoes.

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