Sep 19, 2010


Zee Fox.
Holes where dish was mounted make this folk art...officially.
The other day I signed up for an e-course designed to turn my creative ideas into 'action'. It was offered by Tara Gentile of Scoutie Girl. I admire her boldness and thought that I could use a dose of it myself. I tend to get bogged down or redirected easily and good ideas or creative inspiration can slip right through my fingers. So, when I saw the offering for her free mini e-course, I jumped on it. Sure! I'll take any help that's being offered!

And guess what happened.

It worked.

But maybe not in the way that Tara had intended.

This is how it all went down.

On my sleek new smart phone, I signed up for Tara's course. It was simple...I typed in my email and it was done. I set the phone down, walked outside, found an old satellite dish that Matt had removed from the side of the house, primed it, waited a minute, and painted this fox. (he was inspired by one I saw somewhere on the internet...can't remember where)

"Wow! She's good." I said to myself. (referring to Tara, not the fox, as it's a he.)

And then the e-course emails started. They were dead on. Short, but concise. A daily dose of 'kick in the pants'! I felt like she cared. I grooved on what she was saying.

But the fox was done.

Hhhhhmmmm. Could this be about something more than zee fox? I sink maybe. (my smart phone would  be all over itself trying to correct those spellings..)

Could this be something bigger. I think yes. You see, there have been times when I entertained a vision of a more creative life. I love Art. I love Words. I worked for years with this amazing group of folks. I paint and I try to meet every day with my own brand of love and creativity. My brain is always churning and burning and how lovely would it be for my livelihood to be working in direct correlation with this. It would be a dream! That's what.

And a dream that I am pursuing. Look for new things around here. New offerings, a new site, new creative inspirations, and hopefully a laugh or two along the way. I am expecting your support. So there.

Tara says to state it, to take small steps, to say it out loud so there will be others to hold you accountable. And I knew all that, but needed to hear it from a stranger. Thank You Tara.

Back to Zee Fox. This dear little fellow is the first in a Five Fox Series. Lewis claimed this one right away and I was sort of bummed because I wanted it for the entrance hall. But he said, and I quote, "Mom, you are an amazing artist." And that just flat out wins it for him.

The tackiest and softest blanket on earth. Anything for my Tiggy.

The next four foxes are available for sale. They are $100 each plus shipping and they will be unique. I can't guarantee a satellite dish, but they will be painted on some odd bit of recycled material. They are alive and well in my head and the minute you say you want one he/she will begin to become a reality. It's sort of sad, but one of them only has three legs and he needs a 'special' home. Could be you. 

Let me know.

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