Oct 12, 2010

Fun Project #1

I ran across this awesome project the other day and thought that I'd pass it along. These could easily be bracelets and I love that they are perfect for kids - both boys and girls - and moms! My boys wear lots of 'jewelry'. Do yours?

To find the 'how-to' go here.

And on another note, the Pattons have begun work on a totally handmade Christmas for our friends and family. I am generally not one to plan ahead. I'm a Christmas Eve kinda gal, but we are brimming over with all sorts of good ideas for some really nifty gifts.

I will post some of our ideas here! (as I have just done)

Stay tuned and Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Bunny Byrne said...

We do homemade Christmas, too! Can't wait to see what y'all are making. I think we are doing spiced pecans, maybe some fruit brandy, fresh bread, and a handmade ornament.