Nov 12, 2010

the rainbow room

I have not forgotten about the photos I promised of Della's room redo. I really haven't. The truth is, I am so thoroughly put out with my picture taking ability that I could just scream. Why can't I take a decent photo? Why does it always look like a dank fog has just blown in off the North Sea? I know that I can blame part of it on my camera. I had a better one and it was in my purse and salad dressing got deep into its bowels and ruined it. So there's that. But in general I'm a lousy picture taker (I'm even scared to use the word photographer) and I have a hard time retaining concepts like aperture or whatever. I need a camera that does it all for me. This one. Because 'photographer' is not on life's to do list.

I've taken the 'long way round' to sharing some crappy photos of Della's room, haven't I? I LOVE this room. You can see it from the kitchen table and it literally GLOWS! It was an awful little storage room before with ripped up linoleum and a gnarly paint job, poor child. I found a carpet remnant from our old trailer (sounds glamorous!?)  and carpeted for the sake of warmth and playability. And then I went a bit haywire on the painting. Bearing in mind, that 'subtle' is not often in my vocab, here you go. Fog and all .

I did have the presence of mind to leave two walls neutral so my sweet girl won't go insane and fling herself off the rainbow bridge. My two favorite pillows in the world are on that bed...a needlepoint Taurus bull that came from my great aunt Wyche and my ultimate thrift score..."viva mexico" in 
Bargello cross stitch.

A few more 'favorites' are the hand knit turtle stool from Firefly and the lamp with children climbing all over it that I got for Christmas one year in highschool. Daddy made the shelves. That's a portrait I did of our favorite cat growing up, but it will be replaced one day by a flamenco dancer on black velvet in a gilt frame. (I saw it and it slipped through my fingers at the thrift will add the right edge) I do not like the duvet cover, it's too matchy, but it's what we had and will do until the proper one presents itself.

This is another personal favorite. This sign has hung on her door for most of her life. Lewis made it at around age 4 and it says...... for those of you with limited kid speak abilities.... 'weapon girl'. Because we are a peace loving group of folks.

And check this out. This is my mom, as a little girl. I love the outfit and the muff and her sturdy little legs in those white socks and the sweet bangs. Who does it remind you of? Yes, just a little!!?!

So there is the redo in a nutshell. The final touch will be a canopy from the ceiling over the top of her bed. To keep the fog out. Happy weekend ya'll!

1 comment:

Jamie Jo said...

I have an extra one of "those" cameras that would look really great hanging around your neck for a much better price!